Wednesday 16 November 2016

Speed dating

Love is amazing feeling that makes people happy. Every meeting with person with whom you are fall in love gives you a lot of energy and inspiration for new business. In my imagination love is connected with some words from song “I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky”. So, to feel this incredible emotion I went to the speed dating. My friend found advertisement in the Internet and offered me to go with her. I thought “ why not?” We live just once.
I wore my favourite  black dress. However, I was a little bit scared. My first partner was really handsome and talkative. He told me about his job. Actually, he works as a model and he likes to be in the center of attention. He was talking about this all the time. Can you believe it? Yes, it was terrible! Thank god after 10 minutes my partner was changed.
The next guy was really amazing. I can say, that he is almost my ideal. He is tall and thin. I adore tall boys. He has tanned skin. His eyes are hazel.  However, light was not so bright in the café and he looked like a demon with dark mystery eyes. Luckily, he hasn`t moustache because I hate it. In fact, the main reason why I liked him that we quickly found common ground. I noticed, we have one point of view about some things. And very important thing for me he has a good sense of humor. His story about younger sister made me laughing while I felt pain in my stomach. With him I put my heart at rest.  However, we had just 10 minutes and our time was over. I didn`t want to say him “goodbye”. Maybe he read my thoughts but he offered to go away from the café and walk together.
I came home at midnight. My heart was leaping. That's how our love story began.

Considering all this I would like to say if you try something new you can get a lot of positive emotions or even find true love.


  1. Good job! It is very touching story! It is great that you used phrases from our student book!
    But as for me there are some mistakes.
    I think it is better to say "person you are fall in love with" instead "person with whom you are fall in love". Although I am not sure that my variant is right too)))
    Then some of your sentences need a verb: "In fact, the main reason why I liked him IS that we quickly found common ground" AND "very important thing for me IS THAT he has a good sense of humor"

  2. Your story is so realistic that I even believed that it was in fact!It seems to me that in the sentence " He was talking about this all the time" is better to say " He was talking about it all the time"

  3. Love is AN amazing feeling...
    In general, you`ve made a neat job of it!!


  4. Hi, Yulia! I liked your story very much. It was both quite fabulous and true-life. I hope you have such an experience in your real life! Please, read my remarks and notice some rules to avoid mistakes in the further writings.
    1. Love is AN amazing feeling that makes people happy. We use indefinite article to describe thing/person/ feeling etc.
    2. The word phrase is “to fall in love with somebody”. Every meeting with THE person WITH WHOM YOU FALL IN LOVE gives you a lot of energy and inspiration for new business.
    3. In my imagination love is connected with some words from THE song “I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky”. We put definite article to talk about the particular song.
    4. So, to feel this incredible emotion I went to the speed dating. My friend found THE advertisement in the Internet and offered me to go with her. I thought “ why not?” We live just once. We use the same rule as in the 3d remark.
    5. Actually, he works as a model and he likes TO BE IN THE HIGH LIGHT (is better to say be in the high light instead of to be in the center of attention).
    6. Thank God after 10 minutes my partner was changed. We write the word God with a capital letter.
    7. The next guy was really amazing. I can say, that he is (WAS) almost my ideal. He is (WAS) tall and thin. I adore tall boys. He has (HAD) tanned skin. His eyes are (WERE) hazel. Luckily, he haDn`t moustache because I hate it. When we are talking about the actions in the past we should use past tense.
    8. However, light was not so bright in the café and he looked like a demon with MISTERY DARK eyes. When we use more than 1 adjective we put them in order like this: opinion, size, shape, age, colour, origin, material, type.
    9. In fact, the main reason why I liked him IS THAT we quickly found common ground. I noticed THAT we have one point of view about some things. And A very important thing for me IS THAT he has a good sense of humor. We use relative pronoun THAT to join clauses.
    10. Considering all this(NOUN) I would like to say if you try something new you can get a lot of positive emotions or even find true love. After the definite pronoun THIS a noun should be used in the sentence.
