Sunday 20 November 2016

Reflection or the Progress I've achieved

It’s sure as eggs are eggs that these three months at the university have given to me a lot.

English was adored by me as a school subject and now it is loved by me even more at out classes.

I’ve opened the different side of myself. And that’s fantastic!

Maybe, it has been a secret but I’ve already had a blog dedicated to my own art in Ukrainian. But now I have been given a precious сhance to post information in English.

Besides, I’ve discovered an incredible platform – Coursera – having taken the Tricky English Grammar course. I dare to say that something was known by me but as the proverb goes, «Practice makes perfect». Now I’m training with adjectives in my new course. That’s exciting!

To my mind, it’s obviously that I’ve improved my pronunciation. School classes payed more attention to grammar forgetting about such an important part of studying any language.

I’ve started sharing my experience with other members of the group. It’s untypical for me because my classmates weren’t interested in English at all. So, I guess, this skill will be a perfect one for my future career.

And finally, I’m not afraid of camera!!! Maybe, it’s time to start my own beauty-blog and stop being out of fashion??? :)))

In brief, I’m really grateful for everything done and so excited about our success in future! 

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