Tuesday 15 November 2016


When I entered the bar, I felt a little uncomfortable, because everyone was talking, but I didn`t know anyone. By switching tables, I met a lot of different kinds of people. Some of them were quite strange such as a rude masculine man or a fat man, that wanted something from me. The others were typical intelligent men, that asked questions to know me better and we did not get bored. I didn`t meet some special man, that I would fall in love with at once, but they all were very nice.
In general, I enjoyed myself at that bar, it was pretty interesting experience. I guess speed-dating is an interesting and fun thing, because you can meet a lot of different people and sometimes men and women can even find their love there! I think I`ll give myself another try one day.


  1. Nice and interesting story)
    The only thing i want to correct here is to change "that
    " for "with whom" ( " I didn`t meet some special man, THAT I would fall in love with at once, but they all were very nice.)

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  4. Good job!
    * It would be better, If you wrote some sentences of introduction.
    * In negative sentences you should use "any" instead of "some.
    I didn't meet ANY special man, that I would fall in love with at once, but they all were very nice.

  5. So nice story! You did really great job) But unfortunately, not without some little mistakes. Some of them had been noticed by girls. And I also want to add that in prelast sentence it`s better to use "funny things" instead of "fun things"

  6. Quite interesting and nice story! After reading it I felt like being there personally)There are some little mistakes, which I want to tell you about.In the first sentence it`s better to add some words in order to better convey the atmosphere in the bar : "because everyone was talking to each other,but I didn`t know anyone" and you`d better use the conjunction AND instead of BUT as there is no opposition here. The phrase "a lot of different kinds" is usually used to denote inanimate objects (different kinds of music, books, sport etc.), here we can use A LOT OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE.The word MUSCULAR should be used instead of MASKULINE, which is the characteristic feature of every man. The pronoun WHO should be used in the following sentences instead of THAT, because it is used for inanimate objects: "man, WHO wanted something from me", "men, WHO asked questions to know me better". "The others were A typical intelligent men", an indefinite article is missed here.
