Sunday 11 September 2016

Text 1. A Quite life.

 Task from Coursera
The biggest desire
Type your paragraph here. Be sure to use at least 10 nouns and to use articles and quantifiers correctly.
Nick has never been in other countries. But he dreams about it so much. First of all, he wants to attend the United Kingdom of Great Britain. When he was young, his father told him that there is edge of the world. He meant a special place - Beachy Head, that is located on the south coast of England. That`s why now Nick`s biggest desire is to reach Beachy Head.
He is going to make it in the nearest time. He plans to go to the airport next weekend and buy tickets. Не isn`t going to take a lot of luggage. All he needs is one backpack with his belongings. Nick don`t know English, but it doesn`t matter. He just go to meet his dream)))

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