Tuesday 13 September 2016

I'm in the library

Задание, оцениваемое сокурсниками: Gerunds, Infinitives, Requests, and Permission Assignment

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I'm in the library
Sam: Hello. Can I take the book "The old man and the sea", please?
Librarian: Welcome.Could you tell me the name of the author? Then I'll see we have this book or not.
Sam: Hemigway Ernest.
Librarian: Thank you. Well, I found the book. Сan you wait a minute, please? I'll bring it.
Sam: Yes, I have time to wait.
Librarian: By the way, it is good choice to read. I remember reading this book in my adolescence. So, we have different book, one of them is in English and the other in Russian. What do you want to take?
Sam: I want English one, because reading English books will improve my knowledge of the language.
Librarian: Although it is difficult to understand,I'm sure you will cope with it. 
Sam: Thank you very much. Learning English is really difficult sometimes. I hope this book  help me to study better.
Librarian: I hope, too. But it is importante to return this book in time. Can you do it?
Sam:Yes, I can. 
Librarian: Okey. Enjoy  your reading.Good bye.
Sam: Thank you. Good bye.

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