Sunday, 11 September 2016

Задание, оцениваемое сокурсниками

Success in life. What does success come from?
Type your paragraph here. Be sure to use at least 10 nouns and to use articles and quantifiers correctly.
My father always says to me that success and fortune are very similar things. But I dont agree with him. From my own expirence I know so many people who do nothing to be satisfied and successful. They have been waiting for a miracle since their childhood, but nothing is happend. To my mind success is the ability to set a goal and do everything to achieve it.There are many problems and difficulties in our life. So, if you want, you will be able to solve all of them. John Quincy Adams once said: "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish..." This quote has become my favourite one. Have you ever met people without any problems? I am sure, you haven't. Neither have I. Once I was a failure and then my friend told me a very useful thing:"If life throws lemons at you, crush and drink juice!" Thete were the right words for me at that moment. Since then I have always tried to crush.

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