Friday 9 September 2016

Coursera. Week 1.

Answer the following questions by typing in the space below.
  • What is your name, and where are you from?
  • Have you taken other courses in this specialization? Which ones?
  • Why do you want to study English grammar?
  • What grammar have you always found confusing?
  • Hello!!! My name is Olya Goncharova. I am from town Starobelsk, Ukraine. But now I study in Sumy State University, which is so far from my home.
  • I haven`t taken any other courses in studing English before. I just learnt English on the lessons in school. Also I attended individual lessons in my town.
  • As I want to know English language perfectly, I try to use all possible ways to improve my skills. I think grammar is one of the most important things in studing. So this course will be very useful for me.
  • I have always had problems with using tenses. Also my problem is articles and conditional sentenses. I hope this course will give me all needed knowledge))

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