Wednesday 7 December 2016

One day of Theo's life

I am Theo, and I want to tell you about my the best day. It was happened some months ago. I woke up as usual at 8 o'clock, had breakfast and read school books, written braille, but strange feelings were in my soul. My mother offered me to walk around downtown of the city. Of course, hiking is enjoying for me, but I couldn't see everything I want. I could feel the sun on my face and I could touch the leaves. I remember glorious odour of flowers, but watched only bright spots of colour. I heard barking dog and chirruping of grasshopper, nice music and mum's voice. That time I realised that, my blindness give me a chance to appreciate usual things. It is just everything that I can. I remember every colour in my mind, every moment, spending with my friends and parents, because one day I will become totally blind. So, we went to the central park. There were a lot of bright spots in trees, walls, maybe people wore in colorful suits. I heard sound of step, so, a young woman came to me, offered to go with her. I agreed. I remember that we come into a large bright sunshining space and I sat into sofa. Somebody took my hands. It was really soft and gentle, but I couldn't see face. Amelie, as I found out then, was talking to me about herself and that day. After it, we hurried up to the circle of friendship. It was amazingly, because a lot of girls and boys with similar problem shared own impression, everything, which they had ever seen. During some hours, I lived a lot of different feelings, expressions and made new friendships. Only in evening I found out that we had taken part in international day of blind people. I was happy and thankful my mum, that I have found her, my Amelie.


  1. We think in one direction)I also wrote about a girl.

  2. Hi,Ann!Your plot is very interesting and kind))
    I`ve read your story and noticed some mistakes,which you`d made.let me correct them a little bit.
    2 sentence :"It was happened" i think,this form is incorrect.It`s better to say "It happened" or it has happened
    5 sentence "Of course, hiking is enjoying for me" It seems to me,that better to rephrase this part of sentence and use one of the well-known to us constructions :" Of course,i fond hiking/ i like hiking/ i enjoy hiking"
    6 sent." but watched only bright spots of colour" - i SAW only bright spots of colour.
    8 sent. "That time I realised that, my blindness give me a chance to appreciate usual things."- it`s better in all cases to use Past tenses,if you have already chose these tenses.-"That time I realised that, my blindness GAVE me a chance to appreciate usual things."
    19 sent."During some hours, I lived a lot of different feelings, expressions and made new friendships"- probable you wanted to say " пережив", thats why you should use phrasal verb " to live OUТ" .
    20 sent "Only in evening I found out that we had taken part in international day of blind people" -In THE evening
    21 sent -"I was happy and thankful my mum, that I have found her, my Amelie".-thankful to smb(I was happy and thankful to my mum)

    Amm,these mistakes are not deathful.Sometimes i make them too..But we must pay our attention on it,because these small details together are important)
