Wednesday, 7 December 2016

One day of Theo's life

Hi, my dear diary.
How are you? I am sorry I didn’t write yesterday. It was very busy day.
I woke up to the smell of omelet from the kitchen. When I came there my parents told a great news to me. It turned out that my father finally finished repair in our house and I could move in my new room.
 I was excited when I saw this apartment. The room was very spacious and bathed  in natural light. All furniture was big and bright so I could easily identify it. Also father made there a special place with all needed equipment for my individual studying. There were different magnifiers, books with Braille script and even a special typewriter. I was happy that now I could pay more attention to Braille script learning and I didn’t need to wait for lessons with my teacher.
 Do you know, my dear diary, I am not afraid of losing eyesight completely. I think I will take it on the chin. My biggest heartache is just how my mum will take it. I don’t want to see she is sorrowful or regretful. That is why I do different exercises, take a medicine, attend karate and cricket clubs. I do all possible things to stay healthy a little more.
We are going to the park to watch a firework show tonight. I love fireworks as it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. These bright colorful flashes remind me how wonderful is the fact that I live right there and right now.

Bye, my dear diary. Don’t be lonesome while I am away.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was a good idea to imagine that Theo tells about his day to the diary.The conception of your story is very interesting! Wonderful job!
