Wednesday, 14 December 2016

The Adventure of English - Birth of a Language

The video "The Adventure of English - Birth of a Language" is about the birth and formation of English language.Melvyn Bragg,who is the presenter in this video,told that English is common throughout the world ,the history of which is extraordinary.The video consists of several programs about "the words we thinking,talking,singing and the words that describe the life we live". An interesting fact that in the world there is an island where the people speak in Old English, which has existed for a thousand years . The island called Friesland.A lot of different nouns,prepositions,verbs came into the English language from ancient times.
Kathryn A. Lowe said that sounds in Old English sound better than in the modern language.As for the birth of English,the language was brought to Britain by Germanic tribes like Angles, Saxons and Jutes.From 800 BC it begins the era of the British Celts and, accordingly, the Celtic language in Britain.Later English developed thanks to Christians.They brought such language as Latina and Latin terms began a part of English(eg.mass and verse).Then, the land was invaded by the Vikings. They spread their language.The exception was king Alfred  whose monarchy Wales was named the Great.In the end, the king of the Normans came to power, who spoke in French.The interesting thing is that there are different words for the same things in the Old and Modern English(e.g skill-craft ,ill-sick).


  1. Hello, Darina. Thanks for your summary. You did a good job. And I would like to remind you that talking about languages we say: English, German, but if we use the word language we mustn't forget about the definite article THE: the English language, the German language.

    1. Oh,I understood! Thank you for your comment)
