Thursday 15 December 2016

Week 4

Adjective Clauses/Appositives
Submitted on December 15, 2016
Type 5 sentences with adjective clauses or appositives that need commas.
Then type 5 sentences with adjective clauses or appositives that do not need commas.
Remember commas are needed when the information is additional and not necessary. Commas are not needed when the information is necessary in the sentence.
5 sentences with adjective clauses or appositives that need commas:
  1. Linda, my best friend, gives me a helpful hand whenever I need it.
  2. Georg, who is my neighbour, lies like a gas meter.
  3. Julia, who is our teacher's daughter, is full of conceit.
  4. Jack, her husband, always loafs away his timy.
  5. Kate, who is his classmate, is often lost in reverie.
5 sentences with adjective clauses or apppositives that do not need commas:
  1. The transpire which happend to him last year brought him into notoriety.
  2. Menagerie which is situated next to that shop has become a dream of every child.
  3. Climate which is сommon in those territories is said to be bracing.
  4. The drugstore I visited yesterday is in the red.
  5. Flowers people used to present are growing on my flowerbed.

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