Wednesday, 14 December 2016

My summary

After watching a first part of the video 'HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Birth of a Language doc series' I`ve learned a lot of things about English.
It's really interesting because a host says if we were at the Soth Bank in London two thousand years ago we wouldn't understand the language people talk there. It make us understand that a language changes little by little and we don't notice it. And now thousands of people around the world speak English, even though it wasn't like this centuries ago and 300 years ago English was even forced underground and survived. 
There is an interesting place - Friesland, we can consider a language locals speak as an ancestor`s English, it is really hard to understand for us, but it's simplier for english-speakers, because it relates to the germanic languages. 
Talking about the Celts, only a handful of their words survived into modern English. Also many modern place names or words come from Northumbria. After the years when Latin was very powerful, English started to use Latin alphabet.
So, I can sum up, that English was influenced by the tribes that conquered The UK, powerful counties' languages or some languages that was popular years ago. English just took words from them and made a powerful language, that is spoken by thousands millions of people. It is a really interesting video!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Dashs. Thanks for a good summary, but, unfortunatelly, you've made some serious grammar mistakes. Firstly, "After watching THE first part of the video..."; then - ... powerful counties' languages or some languages that WERE popular years ago.": "It is really AN interesting video!"
