Saturday 20 May 2017

Cousera week 4

have had a dream since I was a child. I wanted to be interpreter. That`s why I applied to university. Of course, I thought that it would be impeccable to study on my favourite department. However, it was just my dreams. It turned out, that studing at the university isn't so easy and humdrum. I have a lot of homework. Sometimes I waste eight or even ten hours for preparing my homework. I don't have enough time for sleeping and I have already understood why people say that students are always sleepy. But it's not the biggest problem, which I have. Teachers always appreciate just tip top academic ability and only the best students can get pechy keen marks. Moreover, we have class rank, which show how many students will get a student grant. That's why, I have to get better grades then my rivals. And the main problem, which I want to solve, is connected with English. Why? Because, I had bad marks in the last term and now I need to get the highest grades to get a student grant. To tell the truth, nitty-gritty for me is education and I want to be impeccable interpreter. That's why, I am trying to do all my homework and I waste all my free time for some interesting exercises and stories in English and, of course, for Cousera. I hope that a student grant will have been given me by the end of this term.

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